Can you help us find partners of the worldwide movement towards nearly free nursing college - rsvp
your examples:....
examples already partnering: knowhow support from professors from universities in Glasgow , funding support from girl effect foundations, moral support from princess anne, synergies from other health microfranchises - eg the aravind end blindness college run in Bangladesh by Grameen thanks to original funding from TheGreenChildren Social Pop Group, technology partners including GE's piloting of ultrasound on mobile and Grameen Intel's emedic programmes,
networks of women4empowerment concerned with host free emdical check days for poorest families in Baltimore region, youth and nutrition networks emerging from 5 years of statewide social business competitions in usa
links we are trying to improve on - sal khans peer to peer teachers of healthcare, haiti's medical training hospital run by Partners in Health, Obama's community braodband telemedicine apps benchmarked by the state of arkansas