from japan times
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| Celebrate Neumann's &Japan's gifts to humanity since 1945, all Asia Rising 1960+ | Macrae![]() | |||||||
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| July 2020..If you care about two out of 3 lives mattering who are Asian, nearly 60 years of miracles mapping around worldwide decision-makers considering Japan from 1962 are worth replaying -that's when my father Norman Macrae aged 39 was privileged to write his first signed survey in The Economist -the first 2 quarters of dad's 80+ years of life had been spent **writing unsigned leaders in The Economist (eg as only journalist at Messina's birth of EU) after serving as teenager in world war 2 navigating air places uk bomber command region modern day bangladesh/myanmar - |
Asia Rising Surveys |
from japan times
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![]() Reporter, Financial Times Billy Nauman is a reporter with the Financial Times and producer of Moral Money, the new digital platform and newsletter from the FT featuring news and analysis about the fast-expanding world of socially responsible business, sustainable finance, impact investing, environmental, social and governance (ESG) trends. Before joining Moral Money, Nauman worked in the FT’s Specialist division for nine years as a reporter and editor. Most recently, he was Managing Editor of FundFire, the FT’s daily publication covering the U.S. institutional investment industry. |
![]() Principal Sustainability Strategist, Deputy General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept., Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. (MURC) Mari Yoshitaka, Ph.D., is Principal Sustainability Strategist, Deputy General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept., Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. (MURC). In 2000, Yoshitaka joined Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities to start up the Clean Energy Finance Committee, and transferred to MURC in May 2020. Her area of expertise is climate change policy, especially climate finance and mitigation projects, in the fields of ESG investment and SDGs business. Yoshitaka is a member of the UN Women-We Empower Japan Advisory Group and the Global Environment Committee of Central Environment Council. . |
in the 1950s japans leadership of borlaugs green revolution began to celebrate rural self-sufficiency out if which social-community sustaining business models have evolved -related references kennedy endorses the economist consider japan 1962 - more recently sustainability superstars at + 1 (uniting JAB nations) +2
some newer cases
saraya - win-win japan borneo uganda
from 1970 saraya innovated palm oil cleaners for kitchen use- these are bidegradable unlike petroleum based cleansers
but around 2002 the company was inudated with reports that its souyrcing of palm oil from borneo was killing elephants whose palm tree habitat was now the worlds epicente of palm oil production; saraya designed a new supply chain including purchase of its own pal, tree farms made elephant friendly
in 2009, saraya's busneess in uganda started handwashing campaigns to improve the nations sanitation reducing infant mortality by half in under a deade (along with paralel efforst brac uganda)
saraya wanted to make its product massively affordable; to do this it strted social business modeling- it recognised that urgandas sugar cane industry could do much better for ugandas if it recycled sugat cane remants into ethanol sanitisers; by going into this social business saraya scaled handwash products; as well as reduction of infant deaths, ebola in its neighbor the congo has not come to uganda and so dar covid in uganda is less than other neigboring countries- saraya is not claiming that uganda will lead africa in beating covid- bur it is proud that community sanitation social businesses contribute to minimising diseases, local community businesses empwering women, climate solutions shared from community to community
related sustainability youth conversations at japanthanks,com
hi-tech note from readers networks (japan, english) of von neumann biography - in 2019 g20 japan asked what society 5.0 maths determines nature's decision whether its time to extinguish homo sapiens- only 3 nations clearly understood the question ( a few more may have been suffering from mental twisties caused by the terrifting donald) many smaller ones eg singapore, nordica, austria, switzerland netherlands could - japan should immediately zoom a new gmathsclub - more at and under 30s dialogue at any questions ?
scroll down japan 1984 was visit 3 on of 50 i have made to asia; that was 22 years after my father norman macrae of the economist started celebrating japan as offering the world first sustainability models potentially uniting the 65% of peoples who are asian in advancement
my work as a cambridge ma in stats had been very different from dads' - i was helping mit in boston complete the first databank of thousands of projects of what societies most wanted from the world's globally branded companies
i was fascinated by 2 top level exoeriences of this data; big western companies were depending on too much advertising to serve what communities most wanted; japan in 1984 still related all consumer offers to corporate purpose -
however 1984 was 5 years before my father retired from 40 years at the economist to start writing a biography of von neumann - whose knowhow more than any one single person dad said would determine millennials sustainability of extinction; i started co-authoring books with my father beginning with 19834's 2025 - why health and education would need transforming if millennials wrre to be sustainable mapping approximate timeline exponentials if the world wss to be on track in applying numanns 100 times more tech per decade to end povert and to be in time to choose which 2020s autonomous ai solutions the world needed to collaborate arounf first
=================well japan korea china of g20 countries probably understand only common sennse ai choices can now save our species
fortunately 2021 has seen japanese publication of von neumann biography
lets have a look at some of the english speaking dialogues von neumann inspires - sadly i domt speak japanese but i sincerely hope japanese readers of von neumann are uniting nations sdgs deeper more openly that the englsh speaking world