Celebrate Neumann's &Japan's gifts to humanity since 1945, all Asia Rising 1960+MacraeFriends and Family
Future July 2020..If you care about two out of 3 lives mattering who are Asian, nearly 60 years of miracles mapping around worldwide decision-makers considering Japan from 1962 are worth replaying -that's when my father Norman Macrae aged 39 was privileged to write his first signed survey in The Economist -the first 2 quarters of dad's 80+ years of life had been spent
**writing unsigned leaders in The Economist (eg as only journalist at Messina's birth of EU) after serving as teenager in world war 2 navigating air places uk bomber command region modern day bangladesh/myanmar -

Asia Rising Surveys

in 60 years

Tuesday, December 31, 2030

community sdg curricula 1/50 corona

abe's dilemma- 3 most widely reported diffusion metrics
no more dangerous than flu to children
may kill one fifth of over 80s who contract it
viral infection may start 2 days before person aware of being ill

the key question- will summer end corona season the way it does most flus
the problem - japan has spent a decade becoming regions favorite tourism space
unless summer ends corona season above dynamics imply clusters will repeat

whilst its up to japanese people, the olympics should offer a one year postponement
long term we believe korea china and japan will become ai corona world leaders - they have the data and the systems nowhere else in the world can lead

help  twitter 1 2 more to open source community learning of
we feel very sorry for the peoples of iran - places led by supreme beings are most wide open to natures virus attacks
koreans are heroes - their high scores come from doing 10-100 times more testing than americans- what are distribution and cost explanations for these opposite rituals up ro march 1 2020

italy seems to have been careless on flight watches- it is known that fashion production had comparatively large chinese workforce coming back from chinese new year annual holiday at peak virus

the seattle region does not inspire confidence as one of worlds reputed knowledge centres - to have done no community testing before march 1 except on airport arrivals seems to be the opposite of what smart sister cities expect of 2020s
in hokkaido experts estimate 10 times more youth with corona than official number currently 77- gyms and stuffy inside places eg schools spread virus- catch 22 corona for youth is 95% of time similar to catching a cold but for over 80s it may kill a fifth titanic news- #seattlewuhan can seattle -king county team -learn wuhan- is cbs expert lipsitch correct 70% may be corona'd why did usa do 100 times< testing korea? should march madness be audience-less early cdc test contaminated?

corona important us case study life care kirkland

WHO says try to contain. Other experts say can't be done/too late.
What measures would WHO advise against if "can't be contained?" What measures would others favor if "might still contain?" Where do "lockdowns", travel bans fit on each side? Argue the other side's case, please

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